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What are eReserves?

There might be times when your instructors make special reading assignments.  Perhaps it will be a chapter out of a book or a magazine article.  Instead of requiring you to purchase the item they will ask the library to put it "on reserve".  Whenever possible, the library digitizes the required reading so that it is easily accessible to you.  We will also have a hard copy for some of the readings at the main campus. To access the article online you will need the URL that will be given to you by your instructor.  

How do I find an eReserve?

If you are a student, your instructor will give you the URL that is needed to access eReserves.

For instructors, you can now use Leganto tool that integrates with Blackboard as a place for your students to view all that you have on reserve, whether physical or electronic. You can also put in requests for reserve items via Leganto Readings and Resources List, upload your own copyright compliant materials such as PDFs, and you can pull in items from the internet beyond the library, as well! Check out our Leganto Readings and Resources Guide or contact us to help you create a list!