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Children on Campus

Administrative Procedures Manual

In order to maintain a safe environment conducive to teaching, learning, and other college business, children under the age of 16 are not allowed on campus or extension sites unless accompanied by a parent or guardian, except when the child is enrolled in IVCC courses or participating in IVCC approved events.

Students are discouraged from bringing children to class. In a case where it is unavoidable, the instructor may grant permission. Children are not allowed to accompany students to labs, computer labs, testing facilities, or other areas where their presence may pose a distraction or safety concern.

Children of employees are discouraged from staying on college premises or accompanying employees while they work, except in emergencies, during normal working hours.

Report an unattended child under the age of 16 to Campus Security. Campus Security will try to locate the parent or guardian. If unsuccessful, Campus Security will refer the child to the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) or refer to the local police, depending on the circumstances (e.g. child's age, address, behavior, etc.).