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Special Collections

Special collections at IVCC, Jacobs Library

IVCC Student/Alumni Authors

M.B. is the shadowy editor of Annonymous Sounds, a handmade book of poetry, which mysteriously appeared one day on our Paperback Exchange shelf. When the Paperback Exchange shelf became the IVCC Authors shelf, we assumed M.B. was an IVCC student and decided to make Annonymous Sounds, a work published in the handicraft zine tradition, a part of the IVCC Authors collection.

William D. Irwin is an author and poet from the Illinois Valley, who graduated from IVCC in 1979. Since 1993, Irwin has published ten books of poetry and fiction.

Jason Kotecki is an author, cartoonist, and motivational speaker who graduated from IVCC in 1996. In collaboration with Kim Kotecki, Kotecki champions bringing childish fun into adult life. Visit EscapeAdulthood for more information from Jason and Kim on "breaking free from the vile clutches of Adultitis."

During the 2008-2009 academic year, Kali Shevlin served as the book critic for the student newspaper, The IV Leader. Shevlin is also a graphic artist, fan fiction author, and 2012 graduate of Illinois State University's English Publication program.


View this 8 part video collection by the Peru Public Library to lear more about author Kali Shevlin's experience.