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About the IVCC Authors Collection

In 2013, Jacobs Library created the IVCC Authors Collection to bring together books authored by current and former members of the college community. The collection contains books authored by current and former Illinois Valley Community College faculty, staff, and students.

This guide organizes books by employment status, author, and publication date.

If you know of a book that should be included in the collection, or simply have a question, please call Jacobs Library at (815)224-0306, or email us at

IVCC Authors - Faculty

A User's Guide to the USA PATRIOT Act and Beyond by P. Robert Abele

Call Number: IVA KF9430 .A23 2005
ISBN: 0761830596
Publication Date: 2004

From 2011 to 2013, Dr. Jeff Anderson taught history and served as dean of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences at IVCC. Dr. Anderson, a trained historian, received a doctorate in history from Syracuse University  Also a critic of contemporary education practices, Dr. Anderson contributed content for Minding the Campus, a high-profile blog that takes a critical look at higher learning in the U.S.

The Skinny on Teaching by J. M. Anderson

Call Number: IVA LB2331 .A53 2011
ISBN: 9781617356032
Publication Date: 2012

This book is a straightforward and entertaining primer on college teaching. It discusses the nitty-gritty aspects of teaching while providing readers with a synoptic but concise explanation of the principles of the art. It also offers a viable alternative to the books on teaching currently available or in print. That alternative is the classic texts on education and pedagogy. These books are essential, the author argues, because they show teachers how to apply the principles of teaching while fostering the aims of liberal education at the same time. These books also help them pose the fundamental questions about education that all teachers should be asking. Aimed primarily at graduate students and new college professors, this book is a useful and practical guide for those who are passionate about teaching but feel unprepared to teach, unsure of what to expect in the classroom, and stifled in the current academic climate. It will likewise appeal to high school teachers and veteran college professors who are disenchanted and seek some way to break free from their malaise. It is intentionally short, little, "skinny," so that it can be read through quickly and so that readers can peruse the chapters and mull over the topics at their leisure. Above all else, this book will introduce a new generation of readers to some of the great masters who can reveal the timeless truths-and yes, even the magic-behind the art

Joining the IVCC faculty in 2006, Dr. Jason Beyer teaches philosophy and religion. Beyer's published work, which appeared in a number of periodicals and academic journals, deals with a variety of social issues such as the legitimacy of gay marriage and the social effects of media representations of women. The primary focus of Beyer's research is the intersecting point between ethics and religious doctrine.

Ronald Bluemer is an Illinois historian who taught American History part-time at Illinois Valley Community College. One of the most prolific authors to work at the college, Mr. Bluemer authored twelve books on the history of Illinois Valley, all of which appear on the IVCC Authors shelf. Bluemer also writes for the LaSalle NewsTribune and speaks publicly on the history of the region. 

Kevin Hermes, a policeman for nearly 30 years, serves as the leader of Illinois Valley Community College’s criminal justice program.  Hermes served 17 years as a policeman in Bensenville, IL, a village located near O’Hare International Airport. Hermes also worked for the Northern Illinois University Police Department and taught online classes for Southern New Hampshire University.

Samuel Rogal is a former English professor and chair of the Division of Humanities and Fine Arts at Illinois Valley Community College. He had taught extensively beginning in 1960 at Waynesburg College in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania.

In addition to his many years of teaching, Rogal had published numerous articles over the course of his career, as well as many books on subjects in English literature.

Geoff Schmidt was a part time instructor at IVCC who taught creative writing and composition. His writing has been published in a wide variety of literary periodicals, including Oxford Magazine and Notre Dame Review.

Streets of Warsaw by Steven Lee Wiggins

Call Number: IVA PS3623.I38 S77 2004
ISBN: 9780974543505
Publication Date: 2004

IVCC Authors - Staff

Hans Andrews is a former IVCC Dean of Instruction. Books authored by Andrews are listed by date of publication below.

Carey Burns currently works at IVCC as an Administrative Assistant in the Foundation Center and previously served as our Campus Information Specialist. Since 2010 Burns has also taught jewelry-making classes for Continuing Education and Business Services. An avid crafter, who sells her own jewelry at local craft fairs, and Burns is also an amateur geologist or "rock hound.”

Jill Hejl, who created the cover for Burns' book Haiku Horror Stories, is a cashier at IVCC. Hejl also works as an artist, exploring the influences of outsider art and children's art in drawing and painting. A number of galleries across the Midwest have shown Hejl’s work.

Introverts Anonymous : Talking to God by Dean, Rebekah

Call Number: IVA PS3554 .E17 2006
ISBN: 9781411666368
Publication Date: 2006

Jane Sack began working at IVCC in 1996 as a coordinator for an “Education to Careers” grant. Sack also worked as a counselor in Student Services since the fall of 1997.

Illinois Valley Community College : the first seventy years by Cummings, Elizabeth, & Danley, William.

Call Number: IVA LD6501.I22 C91 1995
Publication Date: 1995

IVCC Authors - Student/Alumni

M.B. is the shadowy editor of Annonymous Sounds, a handmade book of poetry, which mysteriously appeared one day on our Paperback Exchange shelf. When the Paperback Exchange shelf became the IVCC Authors shelf, we assumed M.B. was an IVCC student and decided to make Annonymous Sounds, a work published in the handicraft zine tradition, a part of the IVCC Authors collection.

William D. Irwin is an author and poet from the Illinois Valley, who graduated from IVCC in 1979. Since 1993, Irwin has published ten books of poetry and fiction.

Jason Kotecki is an author, cartoonist, and motivational speaker who graduated from IVCC in 1996. In collaboration with Kim Kotecki, Kotecki champions bringing childish fun into adult life. Visit EscapeAdulthood for more information from Jason and Kim on "breaking free from the vile clutches of Adultitis."

During the 2008-2009 academic year, Kali Shevlin served as the book critic for the student newspaper, The IV Leader. Shevlin is also a graphic artist, fan fiction author, and 2012 graduate of Illinois State University's English Publication program.

View this 8 part video collection by the Peru Public Library to learn more about author Kali Shevlin's experience.