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Faculty Resources

Helpful forms and bibliographies designed just for faculty and academic administrators!

Library resources and instructor owned items can be placed on reserve for students in a specific course. Reserves may take the form of physical materials, that are checked out to students at the library service desk, or electronic resources, such as eBooks and journal articles, that are available online. Reserve items are typically added to a Leganto reading list to ensure that access is convenient and secure.

To place an item on reserve, please complete the form below. We've also included information about copyright restrictions and available formats. If you have any questions, please contact the library for assistance.


Available Formats:

Explore the tabs below to learn how you can make materials available to your students in various formats.

Physical Reserves:

  • Printed or recorded items that can be lent to patrons in-person.
    • Examples include: books, audiobooks, DVDs
  • Item usage can be set to: one day, two days, one week, two weeks, two hours, library only, or overnight.
  • A scan station is available in the Academic Support Center for students who would like to email or print a small (typically 10% or less) copyright compliant portion of a text.
  • Steps for placing an item on reserve:
    • Identify an item that you would like to place on reserve for your students
    • Run a search in the library's online catalog to determine whether a copy is available.*
    • Complete the reserve request form.
    • A library staff member will contact you when the reserve item is ready.
    • *Note: if an item is not available in the library's collection, please consider temporarily placing your personal copy on reserve or completing a purchase suggestion.


  • Digital materials that can be accessed both on and off campus.
    • Examples include: eBooks and digitized chapters or articles.
  • Often available via a login screen to ensure that they are accessed by current IVCC students.
  • Additional copyright rules are considered when an item is made available electronically.
  • Steps for placing an item on eReserve:
    • Identify an item that you would like to place on reserve for your students.
    • Run a search in the library's online catalog to determine whether a copy is available.
    • Complete the reserve request form if you have not used Leganto before or need help.
    • Returning users may add the item to a reading list in Leganto *
    • A library staff member will review your request and reach out to you with additional information.
    • *Note: Library staff will receive a notification when you send your Leganto reading list to the library for review

Reading & Resources (Leganto):

  • Leganto is an online tool that can be used to build reading lists for your courses.
  • Beginning in Summer 2022, Leganto will be available in Blackboard as a Readings & Resources. Instructors who wish to use Leganto during the Spring 2022 semester can add this tab manually using the directions on the library's Readings & Resources Quick Start Guide.
  • A direct link to Leganto is available to instructors who do not wish to access it through Blackboard. You will be prompted to login using your email and password.
  • Leganto lists may consist of library materials, web content, OER materials, and uploaded documents. Please see the library's Quick Start Guide for additional information. Directions for creating a reading list are also available

Reserves Request Form:

Request that an item be placed on reserve by completing this form. Once the form is submitted, a library staff member will respond to your request within two business days.


Contact the Library:

Course Reserves:

Quillie Gaskill



Library Service Desk:




In order to place items on reserve, certain copyright criteria must be met. While different considerations for each material type and format, Jacobs Library is committed to following the principles of Fair Use and adhering to copyright law.

Questions to consider when placing an item on reserve include:

  • In what format will this material be made available? (Ex: online, physical)
  • Does the library own a copy of this item? Am I willing to place my personal copy on reserve?
  • How much of this material will be made available? Less than 10%? Does that 10% include the heart of the work?

Please refer to Jacobs Library's Course Reserve Policy, which can be found here: 

If you have any questions, please contact the library. We may be able to assist you in licensing or purchasing a copy of the material you are interested in.

Jacobs Library Course Reserves Policy

Jacobs Library Course Reserves Policy

Jacobs Library course reserves provide access to instructional materials that are required for specific courses. Materials are made available upon instructor request. 

Policies and Guidelines 

Copyright and Course Reserves 

This policy has been prepared by library staff to provide faculty and campus staff with basic information about copyright compliance regarding the use of copies for physical and electronic reserves. Our policy ensures that copies made and/or placed on reserve are allowable by law: through fair use provisions, licensing agreements or the permission of the copyright holder. 

General Policy 
  • Electronic reserves service is an extension of traditional print-based library services and will be provided in a manner that respects Fair Use rights, the rights of copyright holders, and current copyright law. 

  • All materials will be placed on reserve at the request of faculty only for the noncommercial, educational use of students. 

  • All materials placed on reserve will be reproduced from copies lawfully obtained by either the requesting faculty member or the Libraries. 

  • Only limited amounts of a copyright-protected work may be reproduced as e-reserves (see Specific Guidelines below). 

  • Students will not be charged for access to Course Reserves materials. The charge for photocopies made by students will be limited to the cost of reproduction. 

  • All e-reserve files produced by Course Reserves staff will include a complete citation and notice of copyright on the first page, indicating that they may be subject to copyright restrictions. 

  • Authentication will be required for access to e-reserve files. Readings will be accessible only by course number, instructor name, and course name via the Resources & Readings tab in Blackboard. 

  • Links to licensed full-text electronic resources will be used in lieu of reproducing copyright-protected material whenever possible. 

Specific Guidelines 

The copyright policy governing Course Reserves at Illinois Valley Community College’s Jacobs Library is based on the United States Copyright Act of 1976. 17 USC § 107 establishes the principle, commonly called "fair use," that the reproduction of copyright works for certain limited, educational purposes, does not constitute copyright infringement. Specifically, any reproduction — either photocopied or electronic — of copyrighted material that is placed on reserve will conform to the following: 

  • Materials placed on reserve will be made available for students and faculty only while the requesting instructor is actually teaching the course, and will be removed after the course is no longer in session. 

  • Book selections placed on electronic reserve from works under copyright will not exceed 15% of the total pages in the source. 

  • Journal articles placed on electronic reserve from works under copyright will not exceed two articles from any issue of the publication. 

  • The above limitations are cumulative over the course of the semester. 

Fair Use

There are four factors in determining fair use: 

  1. Purpose: The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature, or is for nonprofit education purposes. 

  • Jacobs Library has implemented our e-reserve system in support of non-profit education. 
  • Placement of materials on electronic reserve is at the initiative of faculty solely for non-commercial, educational purposes. 
  1. Nature: The nature of the copyrighted work. 
  • The e-reserve system includes multiple formats, both factual and creative. Jacobs Library takes the character of the materials into consideration in the overall assessment. 

  1. Amount: The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole. 

  • Jacobs Library considers the relationship of the amount used to the whole of the copyright owner’s work. 
  1. Effect: The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work. 

  • Materials on electronic reserve are limited to the users of the domain. Other measures may be introduced to assure that only authorized users have access to the reserve materials for that course. 
  • Whenever possible, if the Library does not already own or have licensed access to the material, it will purchase materials at a reasonable price to be copied or scanned for electronic reserves. 

The Library follows the principles of Fair Use of copyrighted materials when placing materials on reserve, including the re-use of articles or book chapters from the library’s collections or the use of materials obtained elsewhere. When in doubt about the applicability of the Fair Use standard, the Library will seek permission from the copyright holder. Materials will be placed on reserve pending the receipt of permission. 

Note: The electronic provision of copyright-protected works for library reserve service and distance learning are unsettled areas of the law which may be addressed by judicial decisions and/or legislation. The University Libraries will continually monitor legal developments that may affect the Fair Use analysis of e-reserves to ensure that library services are in compliance with the letter and spirit of the U.S. copyright law. 

Use of Unpublished Works 

To protect both students and faculty from unintentional misuse of unpublished materials, we require written permission for any request to place unpublished materials that are not the intellectual property of the instructor on reserve. Such materials include: 

  • Any papers, projects or exams submitted by students while enrolled in a course. 

  • Any unpublished materials, prepublication drafts, etc. not created by the instructor 

Note: we do not require written permission for materials such as class notes, sample exams, etc. for which the requesting instructor is the author. For these materials, the instructor's request to place the material on reserve will constitute implicit permission. 

To find out more information about copyright and fair use, please see Jacobs’ Copyright Guide