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Faculty Resources

Helpful forms and bibliographies designed just for faculty and academic administrators!


Getting Started

Recommended text to post on webpage, in Brightspace, and on syllabus:

Jacobs Library helps you get to know your college library’s collections and services. The Library Orientation is a great way to learn about the library at your own pace. Visit the library's orientation page to get started!

To request a Guided Orientation for during class please fill out the Library Instruction request form.  You'll need the  following information at hand to complete the request form:

  • course(s)
  • date(s) & time(s) you would like to have a Guided Orientation scheduled
  • # of students
  • special needs to accommodate
  • if there is a specific area you would like to focus

Library Orientation

The Library orientation is a great way to explore Jacobs Library! 

Find out the specifics of our Orientation by visiting the Orientation page!

Allow 15-20 minutes, bring your IVCC ID card and your phone, and ask how to take the library orientation at the library service desk. 

If you would rather your students explore the library as part of a group, put in a request by filling out the Library Instruction request form.

  1. On New Student Convocation & Spring Preview days, Jacobs Library hosts interactive sessions for new students.  Called Library Overview, or Library Liftoff, this is not the same as an orientation.  Students may say they have attended something in the library but the content is different!

  2. We also teach students research skills in our hands-on environment.  The customized sessions during class time differ from orientations. We delve into the resources students need for your particular assignment whereas the orientation introduces students to the services and layout of the library.   More info available under the Library Instruction page. 

The library staff has kept track of most students who have previously participated in the online or in-person orientation for the past year. However, as of August 2020 the library has moved to an updated orientation with new content. The student may come to the library with an IVCC ID card and ask staff to check for previous orientations.  If the student’s name is found, staff will stamp a special pink sheet with the student’s name on it.  The form does not specify when the student took the orientation. 

If you teach an online, at a local high school or an Ottawa Center class, your students are eligible to complete the Online Library Orientation.  As of Fall 2020, the content focuses on information suited to students at a distance. The Online Library Orientation can be accessed by visiting the Orientation page.