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One Book, One College

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Banner with book cover that displays the text: Disability Visibility: First person stories for the twenty-first century. One Book One College.

2024-2025 Selection: Disability Visibility

OBOC’s 2024-2025 selection, "Disability Visibility," edited by Alice Wong, is an anthology of personal essays that foregrounds disabled voices within our ablest-centrist world. Pieces explore the insights and experiences associated with a wide range of physical and mental disabilities. The book is grouped into four parts: "Being," "Belonging," "Doing," and "Connecting."

Maureen Dunne

Past Events

Dr. Maureen Dunne - National Bestselling Author of "The Neurodiversity Edge."

Explore the future of inclusivity and the endless possibilities that come with embracing neurodivergence with Dr. Maureen Dunne, national bestselling author of "The Neurodiversity Edge." Register and get more info at (Class ID: 18274) or call 815-224-0427.

Be part of a movement that values and celebrates diverse minds! Dr. Maureen Dunne National Bestselling Author of "The Neurodiversity Edge". Date: Thursday, October 3, 2024. Time: 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Location: LaSalle-Peru Township High School Matthiessen Memorial Auditorium 541 Chartres St., LaSalle, IL 61301. Cost: Free (In Sponsorship with the Fike Foundation). Register: Online at or call 815-224-0427. 1.5 PDs / CEs available for attending educators and healthcare professionals! Program sponsored by the Donald E. Fike Family Foundation. IVCC Logo. OBOC Logo.


Register at     Learn more about Dr. Maureen Dunne


Meet the Author - Dr. Maureen Dunne

Exclusive Meet & Greet for IVCC students! RSVP by September 30th.

Meet the Author. Exclusive Meet & Greet (and eat!) Invitation for IVCC Students! Oct 3rd @ 12:30 In: ASC Library RSVP by Sept 30 In Person: C0211. Via Email: Maureen Dunne Author of The Neurodiversity Edge. Join us for FREE food + fun! The first 20 students to arrive will receive a signed copy of the book!

Virtual Book Club

Virtual Book Club

IVCC is partnering with LaSalle-Peru Zonta International chapter to host a discussion (facilitated by Dr. Kimberly Radek-Hall) of this year's One Book, One College read, Disability Visibility

Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2025 

Time: 6:00 PM 

Zoom Link to join the discussion: CLOSED