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One Book, One College

About the Book

Death in Mud Lick is the story of how a crusading lawyer, newspaper reporter and a local woman with a secret past uncovered massive opioid pill dumping in small towns by some of the largest corporations in America. The book lays bare the corporate greed and government corruption that ignited the worst man-made public health crisis in U.S. history. It's also a clarion call for the critical importance of strong, local journalism. 

For more information, visit



About the Author

Eric Eyre joined the Charleston (W.Va.) Gazette-Mail in 1998, after working as an intern at the Tampa Bay Times. At the Gazette-Mail, he covered the statehouse, education, health and business. Eyre's work has won several national awards, including the Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting, Investigative Reporters & Editors (IRE) Medal, Fred M. Hechinger Grand Prize in Education Reporting from Education Writers Association, National Headliners Award, Society of American Business Editors and Writers award, Gerald Loeb Award for business writing, and an Association of Health Care Journalists award. He also was the recipient of a Kaiser Family Foundation fellowship. His investigative stories have mostly spotlighted issues in rural West Virginia communities. Eyre graduated from Loyola University of New Orleans and received a master's degree from the University of South Florida at St Petersburg while on a Poynter Fund Fellowship. He lives in West Virginia with his wife Lori, son Toby, and two cats, BlackieBella and Abby.  

For more information, please visit Eric Eyre's website

Event Videos

Part 1 Discussion of Death in Mud Lick, September 8, 2021


Part 2 Discussion of Death in Mud Lick, September 29, 2021


Part 3 Discussion of Death in Mud Lick, October 20, 2021


Part 4 Death in Mud Lick Discussion with Eric Eyre, November 17, 2021


A Conversation with Perfectly Flawed's Luke Tomsha


On April 27, 2022, Lori Brown from Buddy's Purpose spoke to One Book, One College and shared her experiences loving someone struggling with substance use disorder and the loss of her son Justin.

After Lori's presentation, we viewed the film Four Good Days and discussed how the film reflected real, lived experiences. 

You can view Four Good Days with your IVCC credentials on our database Kanopy below!

Luke Tomsha from Perfectly Flawed gave an address at Governor Pritzker's press release of the Statewide Overdose Action Plan (SOAP). A note from Luke: 

"We applaud the State of Illinois for creating a seat at the table for the voices of lived experience and understanding that former and active drug users play a critical role in preventing and reversing overdose."

Click here to view the whole release. (Starting at 17 minutes)

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WNIJ News Feature

Rural community college helps bring opioid crisis conversation out into the open

Northern Public Radio | By Peter Medlin

Published May 24, 2022 at 9:59 AM CDT