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One Book, One College


There are many ways, large and small, to participate in One Book. Whether it is informally discussing the book with friends or attending an event, we hope the entire community takes part. New events get added and dates/times might change over the course of the year, so sign-up for One Book email alerts to receive the most up to date information.

Sign up to receive One Book updates

If you have questions or ideas on how to get involved, contact us at

Here are some ideas to get started:


Read the book

One Book selections are carefully chosen with the following considerations:

  • Mass appeal to the College and its greater community 

  • Flexible teaching text with moderate page length 

  • Collegiate reading level 

  • Focus on issues about history, culture, society, human interactions and social justice

  • Title must be available in multiple formats 

All are encouraged to pick a copy up! Physical and electronic copies can be obtained at the following locations:


Come to an event

From speaker events to small book discussions, there are a variety of One Book events for those who want to take advantage of the program. Sign up for our mailing list, (under get the news on our home page) like IVCC on Facebook or follow Jacobs Library Instagram to stay informed about upcoming events. All events are free and open to the public.

Participate in the classroom

Are you an instructor? Consider incorporating the One Book selection and related topics into your course, and send us an email at to let us know so that we can collaborate!