Service Alert
Check out technology from the library!
If you did not find answers here, reach out to us via the chat below or contact (815)224-0306 or
If you are having issues with software, need a password reset, or help with other technology issues beyond the library you can contact the Student Help Desk at (815)224-0318 or
Both the Library and Student Help Desk are located in the Academic Support Center if you would like to stop in for help in A-201!
Vibe boards are located in the Active Learning Space. You can reserve the room to use them via our Room Reservation System. These boards not only work as white boards but also have other brainstorming tools and are fully integrated with the internet to navigate to resources and sites, and can even be used to Zoom or cast your screen to everyone in the room. Find out more information on our Vibe Board Quick Start Guide.
The speech lab is located in the group viewing room in library portion of the Academic Support Center in A-201 and has audio, video, and recording equipment set up and ready to use. You can reserve the room via our Room Reservation System and upon arrival you can pick up a microphone from the Student Help Desk to optimize the sound of your recorded speech. You can view more details at the SHD website.
The collaboration table in the Active Learning Space can be hooked up to multiple laptops at once for optimum collaboration on projects that involve sharing a screen or planning together. The HDMI cords are located in the center of the table and have numbers corresponding to the input number to show the screen on the monitor above the table for everyone to see.
Need a laptop for a few hours? The full semester? The library also has hotspots to loan out to students. Check out our Technology Loan page to find out more about how we can help you access the materials you need for school. Find out more information about software provided on the technology loans here..
The Student Help Desk site provides more information about Campus Technology here.
Library & Campus Access Information
Need help getting connected on your own device?
Select IVCC for Wi-Fi network
Open a browser--this should redirect you to the IVCC Cisco Guest Portal.
If the browser does not automatically open to this webpage, then redirect the browser by trying to navigate to a different website.
If that still does not redirect you to the Guest Portal, input into your URL bar to in your browser. This should prompt the IVCC Guest Portal Page to appear.
Use your campus computer login (network login).
Need help logging onto a campus computer (IVCC network)? Refer to the tabs below for more information about what you need to do.
Why? What can you do with your entire 14 digit IVCC ID card #?
How? What information do you need to log in from off-campus?
Please contact the library with questions about off-campus access. For more information about the email change, go to
Where? Need to get an ID card created?
Please contact the library with questions about your ID card.
Ottawa Center counts as on-campus. Ottawa Center students only need to log in to library resources from off-campus.
Please see the other tabs for login information.
Dual credit students need to log into library resources from off-campus and from dual credit high school sites.
Please see the other tabs for login information.
Online students may use resources on-campus, but all of the library resources are also available off-campus.
Please see the other tabs for login information.
Troubleshooting Issues
If you are having trouble accessing a database, you may need to check your browsers compatibility. Try some of these steps to see if you are experiencing a browser issue.
1. Try a different browser. Some databases work better in different browsers. You can try Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari or Firefox.
2. Check your browser to be sure cookies are enabled.
3. Clear browser history or cache. If you are still having trouble, close browser and restart. Instructions on how to do this in each browser are as follows:
Sometimes a database may not work for security purposes. Try these steps to see if the issue can be resolved:
1. Do you have a firewall? Be sure to allow the site you are trying to access.
2. If you are getting a security certificate pop-up you will need to accept the risks, don’t worry library databases accessed from our website or catalog are safe.
If it is asking for you login information, this is because access is restricted to allow only those with a current student, faculty, or staff account. You will need your IVCC Eagle email credentials to login for access.
If there is an error message after logging in with your current IVCC Email credentials, contact the library. Sometimes, Microsoft accounts do not get put in the correct tenants and this is a job for IT.
If it is asking you for subscription information, this could be because you tried to access the database outside of our library's website. When you go through our website to get to the database it will pick up our subscription to it, so that you don't have to pay for it. Refer to our A-Z Database List to access the database you are using this way.
If you are still having trouble after following the previous tabs, the issue may be that some databases may become temporarily unavailable if simultaneous usage exceeds a limited number.
If you think this is the case or if you think it is a database failure, try accessing a different database. This will help us to know if it is a database specific issue, so that we may handle the issue appropriately. If other databases work, please contact the library.