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Circulation FAQs

  1. How do I check items out of the library?
  2. How do I get a library card?
  3. How do I renew an item? 
  4. Jacobs Library does not have what I am looking for... But another library does, how can I request an item through interlibrary loan?
  5. How long may I keep an item I checked out through the library?
  6. If I lose, damage or simply forgot to return my book, what library fees will I have? 
  7. Can I checkout a laptop, mouse, webcam, calculator, or headphones?

Check out our Circulation and Interlibrary Loan page for assistance.

How to Renew Items Online

Looking to renew an item you have checked out from the library? If you received an email about your upcoming due date, there is a link in that email to renew your item. If this link is not working, directions on how to renew online are as follows:

  1. Head to the library's catalog.
  2. In the upper right hand corner, click login and follow the instructions to login.
  3. In the dropdown menu when selecting your name at the top right hand corner, you will see 'My Loans'. This is where you can view your current 'Checked Out Items'.
  4. Select the item you would like to renew by clicking the small box for that item, and select 'Renew Selected Items' or you can also select 'Renew All Items'.

Finding E-Reserves

Has your instructor put an item on reserve for you to access? You can find it by using the link your instructor has provided to access the class's course reserves. You may also use the 'Course Reserves' search scope in the SOAR Catalog search bar to find your course reserves, as well. If you cannot find this link or reserve information, you can either contact your instructor or contact Sherri in the library.