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NoodleTools Sign-In

On May 22, 2023, NoodleTools will move to Single Sign On (SSO), which means you will login with your IVCC Email account. Below, are directions for logging in with this new account, as well as instructions for syncing your current account with the new IVCC Email account. 

Signing In

After May 22nd, when you click into NoodleTools, it will ask you to login with your IVCC Email account, and then you will click to 'Sign In / Register' with your school's access by clicking the Microsoft 365 button.

From there, it should recognize the email you just used and put you right through. If not, enter your IVCC email credentials again. This will give you a new account associated with your IVCC email. If you'd like to sync your new account with your old account, view the directions below.


Linking your old account with your new account

Visit and select that you have an existing account to sync your old account to your IVCC email credentials. Or you can use the directions below.


If this is the first time you are entering NoodleTools through Microsoft 365 but you logged in previously via a personal ID and password (i.e., your school has switched to use Microsoft 365 for access recently, or you had a trial account), select the "I have an existing account" tab instead of "Create account." You will be prompted to enter your old Personal ID and password. Click Link Account. NoodleTools will link your old account to your Microsoft 365 ID. 



If you complete the "Account Setup" step and then realize you’ve made an error, you can unlink your NoodleTools account from your Microsoft 365 ID to start over. For example, you might have linked to the wrong ID/password (sometimes students have made multiple accounts), or you may have created a new/empty account when you intended to link to an existing one. To unlink your ID, go to your user profile, click the link icon in the left blue panel, and click Unlink on the right.   


For more information, visit NoodleTools Help page.