Service Alert
Need help navigating through our databases, citation tool, or through the library catalog? Check out these tutorials.
We used three of our most popular databases as examples of what most of our databases will be like when you log in to search for resources. If you are looking for eBooks, since physical items are unavailable right now, we took screen shots to help you through your search in the library's catalog. Once you have found something and you would like to create a citation, we created a YouTube tutorial for how to use NoodleTools for just that.
If you have any requests for additional tutorials, or if you need help with something else, please feel free to contact a librarian. We are open from 7:30am to 6:30pm Monday through Wednesday, 7:30am to 4:30pm on Thursday, and 8am to 2pm on Friday's to help you navigate through our resources!
Since our library is currently closed due to COVID 19 regulations, we understand that any items patrons have checked out from our library or other I-Share libraries will not be able to be returned in most cases by the due date. You are able to renew your item online using this tutorial, but we want to emphasize that we are aware of the situation and will be working on removing any fines that occurred or will occur during this duration of time. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact the library.