Service Alert
Safe Journey's is a nonprofit Organization located in Streator, IL.
They also have a representative that works out of the IVCC Counseling Center.
They provide free supportive services to survivors of domestic and sexual violence in LaSalle & Livingston Counties of Illinois.
Their services include: a 24 hour support line, short term shelter for survivors of domestic violence, medical advocacy, legal advocacy, counseling, and case management. Staff also provide prevention and community education in local schools, service clubs, faith communities, businesses, and others(1).
24 Support Line: (800) 892-3375 or (815) 673-1555
Pads Homeless Shelter: Locations in both Peru, IL & Ottawa, IL
Peru, IL: (815) 224-3047
Ottawa, IL: (815) 433-1292
Freedom House: Emergency Shelter is located is Princeton, IL and the Outreach Office is located in Kewanee, IL
Shelter: (815) 872-0087
24-Hour Hotline: (800) 474-6031
Outreach Office: (309) 852-4008
Disclaimer: The content within this display guide is meant to be solely informational in nature. It is not meant to provide professional care or recommendations. It includes general considerations.
If you are experiencing a domestic violence emergency, call 911. See Safe Journeys website for most up to date information.
According to The Center for Family Justice the definition of Domestic Violence is: "a pattern of coercive, controlling behavior that is pervasive life-threatening crime affecting people in all our communities regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, social standing and immigration status(2)."
Safe Journeys bookmarks available at both library service desks (A-201 & C-201)
Front side of Informational Brochure provided by Safe Journeys.
Inside Information Brochure