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Jacobs Library Book Madness 2023. Round one: One book, One college: Maid & Death in Mud Lick, Banned Books: Thirteen Reasons Why & Speak, Graphic Novels: Sandman Series & Lore Olympus Series, Books into Movies: Harry Potter & Where the Crasdads Sing, Books into Shows: Good Omens & Handmaid's Tale, Romace: It Ends with Us & Book Lovers, Dystopia: Hunger Games & Divergent, Autobiography: Spare (Prince Harry) & The Light We Carry (Michelle Obama). Round 2: Death in Mud Lick & Speak, Sandman Series & Harry Potter, Good Omens & Book Lovers, Hunger Games & The Light We Carry (Michelle Obama). Round 3: Speak & Harry Potter, Good Oemsn & Hunger Games. Final round: Harry Potter & Good Omens. Winner: Harry Potter. Return completed / printed brackets to A-201.


Congratulation to this year's winners! Follow our Instagram for the latest updates from Jacobs Library.

Library March Madness

OBOC (One Book, One College), Banned Books, Graphic Novels, Books into Movies, Books into Shows, Romance, Dystopia and Autobiography titles go head! You decide which book will win!

Vote for your favorite book from March 14th to April 3rd and the participants who select the winning book will be entered to win a raffle prize.

Two ways to play:

  • Pick up a bracket in the hallway outside C-201
  • Download & Print a bracket

March Madness Titles 2023:

One Book, One College:

  • Maid vs. Death in Mud Lick

Banned Books:

  • Thirteen Reasons Why vs. Speak

Graphic Novels:

  • Sandman Series vs. Lore Olympus Series

Books into Movies:

  • Harry Potter vs. Where the Crawdads Sing

Books into Shows:

  • Good Omens vs. Handmaid's Tale


  • It Ends with Us vs. Book Lovers


  • Hunger Games vs. Divergent


  • Spare (Prince Harry) vs. The Light We Carry (Michelle Obama)
  • Death in Mud Lick vs. Speak
  • Sandman Series vs. Harry Potter
  • Good Omens vs. Book Lovers
  • Hunger Games vs The Light We Carry (Michelle Obama)
  • Speak vs. Harry Potter
  • Good Omens vs. Hunger Games
  • Harry Potter vs. Good Omens

2022 Round Winners


Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois, Klara and the Sun & The Color Purple


The Autobiography of Malcom X, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Dreams from My Father & Our Bodies, Ourselves


Ariel, Shakespeare's Sonnets, Still I Rise & The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson

Graphic Novels:

Persepolis, The Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes, Maus & V For Vendetta


The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois and The Color Purple


I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and Dreams from My Father


Shakespeare's Sonnets and Still I Rise

Graphic Novels:

The Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes and V for Vendetta


The Color Purple


I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings


Still I Rise

Graphic Novels:

V for Vendetta

Fiction vs. Nonfiction:

The Color Purple

Poetry vs. Graphic Novels:

Still I Rise

The winner of March Madness 2022 is from Poetry!


2021 Round Winners


Outlander, The Notebook, Gone with the Wind, The Time Traveler's Wife, The Princess Bride, The Fault in Our Stars, Eleanor & Park, and Twilight

Science Fiction/Fantasy:

Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Jurassic Park, Frankenstein, War of the Worlds, and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Sherlock Holmes Series, Da Vinci Code, Gone Girl, The Lovely Bones, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Edgar Allen Poe: Stories & Poems, Alex Cross Mysteries, and The Godfather


To Kill a Mockingbird, Jane Eyre, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, A Wrinkle in Time, Pride & Prejudice, Beloved, The Handmaid's Tale, and The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland


Outlander, The Time Traveler's Wife, Princess Bride, and Twilight

Science Fiction/Fantasy:

Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, and War of the Worlds


Da Vinci Code, The Lovely Bones, Edgar Allen Poe: Stories & Poems, and The Godfather


To Kill a Mockingbird, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Pride & Prejudice, and The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland


Outlander and Princess Bride

Science Fiction:

The Lord of the Rings and War of the Worlds


Da Vinci Code and Edgar Allen Poe: Stories & Poems


To Kill a Mockingbird and Pride & Prejudice


Princess Bride

Science Fiction/Fantasy:

The Lord of the Rings


Edgar Allen Poe: Stories & Poems


Pride & Prejudice

Romance vs. Science Fiction/Fantasy:

Princess Bride

Mystery/Suspense vs. Classics:

Edgar Allen Poe: Stories & Poems

The winner of March Madness 2021 is from Romance!