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Gotcha Day is a celebration by some adoption families as the day their adoption was finalized or became "Legal".
Each year the family sets aside that day to celebrate the child or children that were adopted on a specific day. Some families just celebrate it the day the adoption is finalized in the courtroom(3).
Read about how one adoptee's life was affected by adoption below(1).
According to the Children's Bureau National Adoption Month is "set aside to raise awareness about the urgent need for adoptive families for children and youth in foster care."
The history behind National Adoption Month was an idea started by the Massachusetts Governor Mike Dukakis in 1976, when he announced the first Adoption Week celebration. The idea caught on quickly spreading it nationwide, which led President Ronald Reagan to proclaim the first National Adoption Week in 1984. Finally, due to its popularity in 1995 President Bill Clinton expanded the week to the entire month of November(2).